Introducing Food Allergens to Your Baby

Introducing Food Allergens to Your Baby

When to Start Introducing Solid Foods

Hey there, awesome parents! You might be wondering when you should start introducing solid foods to your baby? According to Australian guidelines, you should begin introducing solid foods around six months of age (but not before four months).

Signs Bub is ready to get messy: The sweet spot is around 4-6 months, but exactly will be determined by your baby and if they are showing signs of readiness:

  • sitting supported with good head control
  • opening their mouth when food is offered
  • showing interest in food
  • reaching out to grab food

Check out Taste Bubs' website and socials for more information!

How to Start Introducing Solid Foods

  • Start by offering your baby a smooth food (think Puree or soft mash) after a breastfeed or formula feed.
  • Initially only small amounts are actually eaten - one or two teaspoons. Most of it will end up on their clothes, the floor and you (or ceiling if they’re like our kids)
  • Do this once a day and as your baby grows and develops increase to 3 meals per day, given before milk feeds.
  • Foods can be introduced in any order, but it's best to introduce one at a time.
  • Follow your baby’s lead and gradually change the texture of foods as they get better at eating - smooth, mashed, minced or cooked and chopped.
  • Finger foods are great for fine motor skills but do your research so you know what size/ texture is safe to give bub.
  • Focus on iron rich foods to help prevent iron deficiency, then add foods such as pureed vegetables, fruits & dairy.

How important is variety when starting solids?

Aim to offer a variety of meals and snacks from the 5 food groups each day.

  • Lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, legumes (beans). This group provides protein and iron.
  • Grains, eg oats, bread, rice, pasta, couscous, quinoa.
  • Dairy, eg full-fat yoghurt, cheese.
  • Fruits - offer a variety of fresh, frozen or tinned.
  • Vegetables and legumes (beans).
  • The freezer is your friend!

Any foods my baby should avoid?

Some foods are not suitable for babies under 12 months:

  • Honey (due to risk of infant botulism)
  • Undercooked/raw eggs including soft boiled/homemade mayonnaise – may contain harmful bacteria
  • Added salt or sugar
  • Reduced fat dairy - yoghurt and cheese should be from whole milk until 2 years
  • Cow's milk should not be given as the main milk drink until 1 year of age (can cause iron deficiency)
  • Unpasteurised cow’s milk due to the risk of serious gastrointestinal illnesses.
  • Caffeinated drinks (such as tea and coffee), fruit juice, cordial and soft drinks
  • Choking hazards - raw veggies, apple, popcorn, whole nuts, cherry tomatoes/uncut grapes etc

Breastfeeding and Introducing Allergens

If possible, continue to breastfeed your baby while introducing solid foods. At Taste Bubs, we're big fans of breastfeeding! Research from the EarlyNuts study conducted in Melbourne found that early introduction of common food allergens doesn't negatively impact breastfeeding. In fact, the study concluded that timely introduction of allergens can be recommended by doctors without concerns about curtailing breastfeeding.


Including Common Allergy-Causing Foods

It is recommended to include common allergy-causing foods in your baby's diet by 12 months in an age-appropriate form. That’s because research has shown that early introduction may reduce the chance of developing a lifelong food allergy. That's where Taste Bubs comes in! We make it simple and safe to introduce these allergens to your baby in a nutritious way.

Introducing One Allergen at a Time with Taste Bubs

Only introduce one common allergy-causing food at each meal, so that the problem food can be easily identified if there is an allergic reaction. With Taste Bubs, it's as easy as one sachet per day. Our individually packaged sachets make the introduction of allergens simple and stress-free.

Recognising and Managing Allergic Reactions

If your baby has an allergic reaction, stop giving that food and seek medical advice. It's essential to be aware of the signs of allergic reactions and know when to seek help. Check out our other blogs and don’t forget to explore Taste Bubs' website and socials for more information on recognising and managing allergic reactions.

Continuation of Regular Consumption

Unless your baby has an allergic reaction to the food, continue to give the food to your baby regularly. Trying a food and then not giving it regularly may result in a food allergy developing. Taste Bubs is designed to make early introduction and regular consumption as easy as possible for parents. We recommend continuing with Taste Bubs until your bub is regularly eating the common food allergens.

Importance of a Balanced Diet

Babies need a variety of solid foods from each food group to receive adequate amounts of essential nutrients, such as fat, protein, vitamins, and minerals. Taste Bubs delivers allergens in their simplest form to ensure your baby is both introduced to the food and receives its healthy nutrients. Plus, you can mix our sachets with almost anything – purees, yogurts, cereals, or even sprinkled on your baby's favourite foods.

Encouraging Family Meals and Food Exploration

Learning to eat solid foods takes time, and babies learn by watching their family eat. Offering your baby the same foods as the rest of the family will encourage them to eat a variety of different foods. Taste Bubs is designed to help your child enjoy many of the foods you eat while safely introducing common allergens.

Ensuring a Safe Texture for Baby

As you introduce new foods to your baby, it's important to consider the texture. Start with smooth, soft foods and gradually transition to foods with more texture as your baby gets older and more comfortable with solids. Safety always comes first, so make sure you're offering age-appropriate textures to reduce the risk of choking. Taste Bubs sachets can be easily mixed into your baby's preferred texture, making it a perfect solution for introducing allergens in a safe and tasty way.

Introducing allergens to your baby following universally recommended clinical guidelines is a crucial step in reducing the risk of food allergies. Taste Bubs helps make this process easy, enjoyable, and stress-free for both you and your little one. So, let's get started on this exciting food journey together! Check out Taste Bubs' website and socials for more tips, advice, and support. Happy feeding!

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